Little Bones

Little Bones

the very, very, very short story of little bones.

Little Bones from Lavender is an advocate for animal rights and a conduit for unearthly, unexplainable business. She enjoys long walks through the forest, candle-lit dinners (vegetarian, of course), and the occasional game of chinese checkers.

Many moons ago, Little Bones was Big Bones. Big Bones was too big to see little things. So, naturally, now Big Bones is Little Bones – and Little Bones is smaller than most things you can see.

Just because she comes with small bones doesn’t mean her spirit isn’t biG bIG BIG! In fact, just last year Little Bones took the stage at an international convention for animal rights activists, and brought forth some unearthly, unexplainable business. Less than two feet tall, Little Bones walked out on stage and sang a song for the blue whales in the ocean and the cows in the meadow and the bumblebees in Lavender, and the song was so sweet that all the people in the crowd fell silent. After the convention, the activists nominated Little Bones for the Nobel Peace Prize and begged her to sing her unearthly songs forevermore in hopes that the animals may overcome this “great poison”.

the “great poison” is what the ancestors called this age of confusion. they said that there would come a time when the poison in the darkened heart of man would be fed to the innocent, and all that is light would be weakened by the taste.

Little Bones’ song was a call to action. it invigorated those who heard it, and injected them with innocence. after listening to her song, people began to taste the “great poison” and see the animals falling weak in the hands of men. so, the people began to change their ways, and the animals were free once more.

sometimes our bones grow big and we make ourselves tall, but those, like Little Bones, see with greater height than all.


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